Customized Consultation and Training
NSPN will consult with members who sign up for customized consultation and training to design a personalized training based on your specific organizational need. Consultations and trainings are available on-site and via webinar. Each member organization is unique in how the work is done. Organizations in rural communities face different challenges than those in urban centers. Organizations have needs aligned with their budgets, staff capacity, level of community engagement, and organizational history. NSPN does not offer “one size fits most” services. Consider NSPN as your custom tailor – willing and ready to create the best fit for your organization. This involves frequent engagement and a deep understanding of what you really need versus what others think you need. This starts with listening, asking questions, and then listening some more. Prior to planning a customized response, an NSPN staff member can meet with staff members from your organization to identify needs, what has worked in the past, what hasn’t, and the best way to proceed given your organization’s culture.
Site-based Consultation and Training
NSPN will partner with you to plan a site-based consultation and training based on your Identified needs. Examples of available site-based consultation and training include:
- Trauma-informed care programmatic implementation
- Middle management retreats
- Enhancing organizational culture
- Child and Youth Care Foundations ®training
- Youth Thrive™
- Family Thrive™
- Strategic Planning
NSPN members have exclusive access to this service. Costs vary based on the length of the consultation or training. Costs include consultant time and materials. Cost - $1,000 per day plus travel
If you are not a member and would like to learn more or join, please click here.
Webinar-based Consultation and Training
NSPN members may request specific webinars for your staff. The NSPN training team will consult with your organizations to create content to address your priority topic. Examples of webinars completed for member organizations include:
- Self-care
- Recognizing and responding to secondary trauma
- Organizational Culture
- Trauma-Informed Care introduction for Boards of Directors
- Family Secrets
- Preparing for Monitoring Visits
- Human Trafficking Signs
- Documentation
NSPN members have exclusive access to this service. There is a set price for each webinar. Costs include consultant time and presentation. Cost - $350 per webinar.
If you are not a member and would like to learn more or join, please click here.