Words From NSPN Members
National Safe Place Network members and licensed Safe Place agencies are what make the Network so special. Read what they have to say about being part of NSPN:
“The training provided, both e-learning and on-site, is a valuable resource to our programs and staff. The trainers are extremely knowledgeable and engaging. The assistance for technical assistance for implementation after the training was also an incredible resource for our staff.” ~Synergy Services, Inc., Kansas City, Missouri; NSPN Member and licensed Safe Place agency
“We were notified Tuesday that we were awarded the Street Outreach Grant!!! We are SO excited about the lives that will be impacted in Little Rock because of this! I cannot thank you enough for all of your reviews, phone and email assistance, and weekly calls this year as well as last year. You truly go above and beyond and have been SUCH a blessing to us in so many ways. Thanks again!” ~Immerse Arkansas, Little Rock, Arkansas; NSPN Member Agency
“National Safe Place Network has been invaluable resource for training, technical assistance, grant opportunities, and networking for Family Connection. Our affiliation with the Network has been more than a membership, it has been a partnership as we work together to address the needs of runaway and homeless youth.” ~Family Connection, Inc., Alabaster, Alabama; NSPN Member and licensed Safe Place agency
“Hello! Thank you! We did get both BCP and SOP. We are very excited. Thank you to you and NSPN for all your help with calls, reviews, webinars, and just support as were writing!” ~Youth In Need, St. Charles, Missouri; NSPN Member and licensed Safe Place agency
“We are grateful to National Safe Place Network for their outstanding service to their member organizations. NSPN is a leader in the youth development field and they provide incredible training and technical assistance support.” ~Haven House, Raleigh, North Carolina; NSPN Member and licensed Safe Place agency
"NSPN has helped my as the Safe Place Coordinator by having a member website that has recorded webinars and past presentations regarding implementation of the Safe Place program, utilizing volunteers, resource development, professional management skills and much more. NSPN has also created a culture that is always willing to help in whatever way possible, no matter the distance. From idea sharing, managing a social media account, working with law enforcement, NSPN staff and Safe Place Coordinators are always willing to lend an ear and respond. I have been able to call or email NSPN staff or Coordinators from different states and have a helpful conversation as if they were right next door." ~Youth Emergency Services, Omaha, Nebraska; NSPN Member and licensed Safe Place agency
“We greatly appreciate all of your amazing support with reviewing our grants. Safe Harbor was awarded Basic Center and Transitional Living. We are so thrilled and this is huge for our community.” ~Safe Harbor Children’s Center, Brunswick, Georgia; NSPN Member and licensed Safe Place agency “This is such a relief and thank you SO much for review assistance. Please thank your team for us!!” ~Compass House, Buffalo, New York; NSPN Member and licensed Safe Place agency
"Our agency as a whole is very thankful for Safe Place / NSPN and all the benefits it provides to not only youth, but the staff at member agencies. We have been able to utilize training resources for all staff using the NSPN web-based learning as well as the numerous opportunities to come to various conferences and bring material back to our agency. Safe Place has assisted us in helping many children over the past few months that would not have know how to get the assistance they so desperately needed had it not been for their school publicizing Safe Place." ~Flowering Branch Children's Shelter, Cartersville, Georgia; NSPN Member and licensed Safe Place agency
"Youth Emergency Services has benefited in many ways from membership in NSPN. The Transitional Living Program case managers and program coordinator set aside time to do on-line training modules as a group. As a small agency, this has been cost effective and has added value to our programming. We have also gained from in-person workshops on trauma-informed care and executive leadership. The staff at NSPN are always willing to offer technical assistance and brainstorm ideas. I highly recommend NSPN membership! It has been a great experience for YES!" ~Youth Emergency Services, Omaha, Nebraska; NSPN Member and licensed Safe Place agency
"The Safe Place program places a resource directly in the hands of youth to access and initiate help on their own, without having to be a part of the 'system.' Without this program, and our community partners (QuikTrip, Valley Metro Light Rail, Maricopa Community College Campuses, Phoenix Public Libraries, etc.) last year more than 125 youth would have remained in abusive, runaway or homeless situations. With the support and guidance from National Safe Place Network, this program is an asset to the well-being of any community."~Open Hands Youth Crisis Shelter, Tumbleweed Center for Youth Development, Phoenix, Arizona; NSPN Member and licensed Safe Place agency
